Channels are an abstraction used to mimic the communication channel between the prover and the verifier in a non-interactive protocol. It is useful to ensure that all prover messages are correctly absorbed before being used by the verifier, and that all verifier challenges are correctly produced.



A channel is an object that mimics the communication channel between the prover and the verifier, and is used to abstract the Fiat-Shamir transformation used to make the protocol non-interactive.

The Fiat-Shamir transformation works on public-coin protocols, in which the messages of the verifier are pure random values. To work, the Fiat-Shamir transformation replaces the verifier messages with a hash function applied over the transcript up to that point.

A channel is initialized at the beginning of the protocol, and is instantiated with a hash function. It is implemented as a continuous hash that "absorbs" every prover messages and which output can be used to produce the verifier's challenges.


A channel is instantiated with the following two dependencies:


A channel has two fields:

The channel has the following interface:

Initialize. This intializes the channel in the following way:

Absorb a message from the prover.

TODO: explain why the +1

Absorb multiple messages from the prover.

Produce a verifier challenge.