
To be able to efficiently track errors, we have a span type:

fn main() {
pub struct Span(pub usize, pub usize);

which represents a location in the original source code:

  • the first number is the offset in the source code file
  • the second numebr if the length of the span (e.g. 1 character)

We start tracking spans in the lexer, and then pass them around to the parser, and then to the compiler. Even gates and wirings have spans associated with them so that we can easily debug those.


The filename is currently missing from the Span, it is annoying to add it as a String because then we can’t easily copy the span around (String is not Copy but Clone).

One way to solve this, is to add the filenames in a Hashmap<usize, String>, and have the usize be in the Span.