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STARK-EVM adapter

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stark-evm-adapter is a library that provides a set of utilities to parse and manipulate the output of the STARK stone proof. Specifically, the library can be used to generate a “split proof”, which is necessary for proofs to be verified on Ethereum.

stark-evm-adapter = "0.1.3"


use stark_evm_adapter::annotated_proof::AnnotatedProof;
use stark_evm_adapter::annotation_parser::split_fri_merkle_statements;

// read an annotated proof
let file = std::fs::File::open("tests/fixtures/annotated_proof.json").unwrap();
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file);
let annotated_proof: AnnotatedProof = serde_json::from_reader(reader).unwrap();

// split the proof
let split_proofs = split_fri_merkle_statements(annotated_proof).unwrap();
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&split_proofs).unwrap());

// For how to submit the split proofs to the L1 EVM verifier, please refer to the demo: https://github.com/zksecurity/stark-evm-adapter/blob/8af44a0aa61c89e36a08261320f234709e99ed71/examples/verify_stone_proof.rs#L18

Note that the annotated proof file, annotated_proof.json, can be generated using this CLI tool.



cargo install stark_evm_adapter


stark_evm_adapter --help

To generate an annotated proof based on the outputs of the stone-prover:

stark_evm_adapter gen-annotated-proof \
    --stone-proof-file tests/fixtures/stone_proof.json \
    --stone-annotation-file tests/fixtures/stone_proof_annotation.txt \
    --stone-extra-annotation-file tests/fixtures/stone_proof_annotation_extra.txt \
    --output annotated_proof.json

Generating an annotated proof requires the proof file from cpu_air_prover described here as well as two annotation files from running cpu_air_verifier with --annotation-file and --extra-output-file:

  • stark_evm_adapter --stone-proof-file comes from cpu_air_prover --out_file (JSON format)
  • stark_evm_adapter --stone-annotation-file comes from cpu_air_verifier --annotation-file (.txt format)
  • stark_evm_adapter --stone-extra-annotation-file comes from cpu_air_verifier --extra-output-file (.txt format)

Once you have this annotated proof, you can use it to generate the split proofs and submit them to the L1 EVM verifier. Please refer to the example demo


You can use docker to run the demo. The demo will generate split proofs from an annotated proof and submit them to the L1 EVM verifier.

First, build the docker image:

docker build -t stark-evm-adapter .

Then, run the demo script:

docker run -it -e "MAINNET_RPC=******" stark-evm-adapter

Note that you will need to set the environment variable MAINNET_RPC to the RPC endpoint of the Ethereum mainnet. For example, you can use Infura to get the RPC endpoint. This demo code will automatically make a fork of the mainnet and submit the split proofs to the L1 EVM verifier on the forked chain.



  • Default prime field for cairo. This prime will be used when modular operations are needed.

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